Saturday, June 21

Short Friday night

Just a short post tonight! 
Friday is always the day to look forward! I end work slightly early on Fridays and woohoo, I get to start enjoying the weekends from Friday Nights! 

Actually I've forgotten there's this date with ShiHui to Alescere~ Hahahah!! When she mention to me that we have a date, I was totally blur. Luckily I didn't plan anything on, if not have to like reschedule everything! Hahahaha! I rushed home immediately after work to change before I meet her! Thankful enough I told her I won't be early so she won't have to like wait for me for too long. Ended up I reached earlier than her. So I went to shop around and waited for her at Alescere! Poor dear is so busy that she didn't had time to eat. Lucky when her food arrives, she is less busy if not it's gonna take forever before she could eat~ 
Oh yah, Alescere is involved in the "Best Of Asia Street Shopping 2014" happening this weekend (21/6 & 22/6). 

Head on down to Raffles Xchange to show your support! There's going to be a lot of sales down the street, so check them out! It's from 12pm - 7pm!!

Okay back to topic~ I was waiting for Shihui at Alescere while she go get her gift before coming over. She's so cute to like loving every piece in the shop and have so much problem choosing which to get! Hahaha~ that's the headache when eyes met pretty clothes~ >.<
My dearest Grace say it's her first time hearing me promote her clothes~ Hahahaha!! I'm just updating Shihui that the cardigan is a hot sale. So buy it is if not it's gonna be a long wait again. And woohoo! She really bought it and also a romper! Sexy lady~ hahahha! 
Hungry girls need food after shopping, but we were clueless of what to eat! However we ended up eating NeNe Chicken! We had no idea about it at all, first time trying! I ordered the spicy tenders meal while she ordered the crispy chicken! 

Food food food!! My chicken looks so reddish like it's quite spicy, but it isn't!! It's more of sweet? I don't really like the sauce actually! Maybe I should try the felling hot one the next visit! But I love the buffaloe fries! (Just Realized I forget to put our drinks into the picture! No wonder it looks like something is missing!!) 

Dinner session also means chatting time. We had great shares and laughters during our chats! It was really an enjoyable time together~ We gonna meet again later for her dearest girl event! Can't wait to see her girl too~ 

Sharing our selfies~ 

Okay, till the next update! Thanks for reading! <3