As said in previous post, i am gonna share about my virgin trip to USS!
Thanks to le boy, i finally had time to spare for some leisure!
Also thanks to Jessica and Junhui for the time together.
Thankful that we had JunHui along with us, cause we have got great photos~
Thanks so much!
First time entering USS and yes, it is with le twinnie!
We have been planning to go together for like so long but there isn't this right time
where both of us can make it. It isn't her virgin trip though,
so she is our guide of the day! :)
We are the happy girls cause we gotten our season pass done! Yayness!!
Unlimited access to USS for 6 months,
which means we can visit USS anytime now and then till December!
Camwhoring with my ZR1200~ Loving it's white skin!
We are mass selfie-ing with our season pass! Too happy~
First thing to do is to visit the Minion Mart! Huge Minion welcoming us!
I love this shot so much. Look at the happy smiles on us! Loving minions~
Here's a Minion EKMY! Hahaha~
Okay, i'm just trying to be a minion! But i think i really look like a fool!
Anyway, big eyes are so love! <3
We saw something fun in the crowd... so we are making our way over~
It is our beloved Sesame Street Characters!!
Enjoying the show from Sesame Street!! But... Elmo is behind the pillar~
My favourite character of Sesame Street is definitely ELMO!
Elmo Solo show ~ Haappy Girls!!
Actually I didn't really watch Sesame Street before during my childhood times.
But I'm loving it cause its so cute and it is in my favourite RED colour!
That's why i didn't actually know the names of the other characters in Sesame Street,
but i came to know about cookie monster cause i have friends who love him so much!
Since the photo session with the Sesame Street Characters isn't that early,
we headed over to the transformer ride. It is quite a cool 3D ride! My enthusiastic twinnie is like running so fast for it! I ain't a Transformer fan, didn't even watch it before! But it was a fun ride in it.
This visit to the USS is a rather short one so we didn't get to try much rides. In fact we only had two rides which is the Transformer ride and also the Flying Dinosaur ride. We spent more time taking photos instead! Shall continue with Photo sharing!
We are at the Sci Fi City~
Fun Transformer Ride~ It is a must ride for lil sis!
We then headed over to the Jurassic Park for the Dinosaur ride!
The hot weather is really killing but we still enjoy ourselves!
I think i'm tanned after the whole afternoon at USS!
We have a paparazzi! Haha~
Candid shot that Junhui took while both of us are queuing for the ride!
Spot us flying high up~
Feeling so satisfied after our ride!
Thanks our photographer! Tough on you, under the hot sun! :)
Moving On~
Look at this lil sis! She just still couldn't get over
not being able to get a picture with Ginger Breadman which i did!
Haha~ So here is one with the plushie!
I shall be Shrek, laughing at her! ^^
Princess and Price? Oops...
It is a must to selfie where ever we go!
The Shrek couples with Ginger Breadman~
It is way too cute and love!
Photo in front of the kingdom? Haha. I love this shot so much~
Jessica loving the dustbin while i am snatching Cookie from Cookie Monster~
Photo time while waiting for Sesame Street Photo taking session!
Cookie monster with le twinnie! <3
Picture with Oscar!! It is so cheeky!
Little Sis and I are looking at the Merchandise.
So interested in getting them but i didnt.
Maybe in my next visit? I love the Elmo Pouch!!
We was like trying luck if we could catch the Minions and YESSSS
We managed to!! They are too cute that i dunno how to pose!
Just smiling blindly. (The sun is too....)
We headed back to the Sesame Street
cause we want to take picture with ELMOOOO!!
While waiting for Elmo, here's me with the School bus
and if you can spot my little sis resting over at the side!
Big hugs with Grover!!
Yes.... Here is my Favorite of Sesame Street!
Just look at the smiles on me and you know how happy I am!
Moved on with photo session with Ernie!!
Look how cute he is.. Suddenly holding my hand
and i didn't know what he want to do~
Here is the photo that we took! Thanks for the Love~
I like this photo so much that it is my display picture at my social medias!
Don't you think it is too cute? I LOVE IT!
We had to leave USS already cause we had an event to attend!
Yes, it is none other than supporting my dearest LOVE!
As we were on our way out, we happen to see Kungfu Panda out for photo session!
So we queued for a picture with it..
He is so bad to cover my face when its my turn to take photo! But happy enough for this photo!
Thank you Jessica for the meet up and time together! I love every moments together~
Thank you Junhui for the great photos!
Back to blog again soon~
I have no idea why i am so tired daily!
Maybe i should rest early every weekday so i have more energy on weekends!