After such a long break, i am back sitting infront of the computer doing up a short post.
A lot of things happening recently but i only keep those good memories.
Why let the bad memories stay and make you go thinking about it and feeling bad?
I rather keep the smiles on and let everything pass.
Happiness is when you know you gonna meet your favourite blogger and youtuber!
I got to meet Yutaki last October during the SaSa event which he attended!
Thanks to him, i got to win a perfume that he chose. T
he time spent with him was great, all the photos and little chats together.
I never expect much cause meeting him is just the biggest joy to me!
I am very thankful that he remembers me.
Thank you Yutaki!
Two consecutive days meeting Yutaki is simply the best weekends spent!
I also got to meet Yina on the second day!
She's such a sweet girl and she had such a busy schedule that day due to her on-going flea!
She looks so pretty too! Looking forward to seeing her again soon!
That was all in October!
November started great too! I got to meet one of my favourite youtuber, Jenn!
She's one of the Digital Fashion Week Insider that was invited over to Singapore!
I actually went for the meet and greet that was organized but due to the overwhelming response,
the queue had to be cut and i didnt managed to meet her!
I was rather disappointed about it but i made another decision to attend the fashion show instead!
And yes, i got to meet her upclose and a selfie together too.
Happiness overloads! It was like a dream came through.
I dont have to fly to United States just to see her. She is right here in Singapore!
How great is this!!!
Moreover, i get to meet her BFF, Stephanie too!
She's so friendly and i managed a selfie with her too!
I totally love how November started off with meeting the two popular youtubers!
Totally like a dream!
I am also hoping i could meet my other favourite youtuber.
In fact she is my all time favourite!
Okay enough of all the spazzing...
November is always the month i somehow look forward to, cause it is my birthday month.
However, i realise i dont plan anything for my birthday. It just come and goes.
Hopefully something exciting this year?
OOTD on the 1st November, the day i met Jenn!
Loving this sky blue petal skirt from the velvet dolls! Brightens up my day!
Summing up this short post here.. till the next!
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