Monday, April 14


"I Love Being A Blogger"

Blog is a place where i can just share almost everything!
I love to share things on my blog. 
However, i am not really very active in blogging
but once i have things to share, i will be here blogging it out!
And yes, i admit i would love to have more 
exposure through blogging, such as
  • Invites for exclusive movie previews,
  • Media events,
  • Concerts,
  • Product launches,
  • Sponsored products,
  • Sponsored trips,
  • Paid advertorial and many more!

   I love it that i can say everything out in my blog. 
A place where i just write it out 
instead of having to go around saying it to the whole world,
where stories might change when it pass around. 
Come read it on my blog so everyone gets the same story!

I also want to have sponsor trips like HP/NICH! 
(Haha... we do know one another though~)
[Photos from HP & NICH blog]
  Look at their happy photos... When is it my turn?

But i did went for movie previews before. and it is certainly great!
However, I have lost most of the photos.. 
So here's one which we got invites from OMY! 

Although pictures are gone, memories still stays on! 
It's great being able to catch sneak previews. 
Sharing it with everyone and influencing others to watch the movie too. 
Hopefully there will be more of such activities upcoming for me..

Thanks to those who have visited my blog 
from my first blog "" 
to this current one. 
Hope to bring up more posts soon! 

Wanna win an iPad Mini or 12-months blogging contract? 
You can enjoy the perks of being a Blogger too!!! 
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Be proactive 
and take the first step to the many opportunities ahead!"