Sunday, May 11

Crazy Moments

Just a short post here. I know I have been neglecting my blog 
but I am updating on Dayre! So visit there too! :)
That's why I'm back for a short update! 

Sharing a short video that i did with my dearest Cybil! ^^

We were actually just taking a look at how Orchard Gateway looks like, 
and yet we found that this is the place where 
my beloved idol did a short InstaVideo here before! 
Therefore we decided to imitate him! (Though we didn't do it well)

It is just so much fun doing crazy things together and also mass selfies together!

Collage of some of the selfies that we took. 
We took 40 over selfies!! Look at how fun it is!
It is always great to find a selfie partner! 
Selfie anytime anywhere and without glamness!
Everything is just Great! ^^

This link bridge is good for shoots! 
Especially when its not yet fully opened now! 
A green lighting always make the photo looks ghostly 
but this one, it looks just perfect enough! 
I love this photo! No edits at all~

Just because of one drama, we became friends. 
Just because of a 55555, we got closer.
Sharing everything with each other everyday!
 It's really great to find someone that can clique so well together! 
We gonna continue doing more crazy stuffs! 
Just wanna say "Thanks Cybil!"
Look of the day! 
My hair seems to have grown so long! 
Still thinking if i gonna trim or change hairstyle~
Ending this post here~ 
Till the next update! :)