Sunday, May 18

Happy Birthday Yutaki!

It's my favourite blogger's birthday! 
* 0518 *
Happy Birthday Yutaki! 

It is so great to be able to see him yesterday! 
Specially head down to the event just to see him and 
pass him a small gift for his birthday! 

**Mochi Sweets for him, and he straight away 
say that he would eat it! (**SMILES**) ~

Really thankful to have met him last year at 
3Peas in a Pod gala premier which is just before AFA'13!
It is always great seeing him. He is always full of smiles!
I love his selfie so much! 
Can you imagine selfie with King of Camwhore?
It is like a dream come true! ^^

I really enjoy reading his blog, 
especially seeing all the shoots that he have done for his blog posts! 
Indeed a Hardworking Blogger!
Today is his birthday, Hope he have a great time for himself!


Memories were great and hope to have much more happy moments! 
All the best in your career, photography and everything! <3

Thanks Yutaki!


Alright shall continue to blog about yesterday! 


I headed out with happy mood... 
cause im out to look for gift for Yutakis! 

Headed to town for Yutakis! ^^
Crazily camwhoring on the bus. 
I am seriously loving this app and it just makes me like to video more!

My outfit yesterday! Dress and heels from Alescere!
So thankful to have my dearest friends choosing outfits for me! 
Thanks a lot!

 With shades / Without shades 

Randomness while i am taking OOTD!
This empty walkway just make me did something so random! 
And after filter from this app, it became so nice~
Anyway, I dressed up today not only to meet Yutakis 
but also to attend Eawards party.
But i ended up attending only Yutakis event.
I have no idea why i didn't attend any of Lollipop F events this time round 
when they come to Singapore! But i still enjoy myself seeing photos of Owodog. 
Maybe i am just lazy to squeeze? Or probably i'm just getting lazy?
Nevertheless, i didn't regret not going to their events. 
Instead of going to the Eawards, I went down to JP to see Ian's event.
But by the time i reach, it ended! >.< 
Still happy to see my fellow friends there and also 
long time no see friend, JiaQi. 

The day was spent free and easy. Not really in plan but was a great one. 
Sorry to my lil sis that i didn't attend the event last minute but 
thankful that she managed to get me ticket though!

Ending up this post here since i'm totally distracted by the teevee!
But this means i'm having time spent together with my family, 
cause it's them who were the main ones who were watching teevee!