Thursday, July 17

It has been a while since the last update, I have been neglecting this space for a while and I am finally back for a new post.

Remember I shared my new skin for my phone previously, here's my beloved boy selfie-ing with my phone. Such a sweet act of him to take my phone from me and selfie. That's a totally unexpected act from him and it's so much love! 

This photo is taken at the 12 Nights screening last last week at Marina Barriage. Thanks to him that we had VIP tickets for the screening. 

Both of us unite just to show him support. Although it's only two of us, we are still going to support him with our best support. I specially ordered some cookies for the team Amu and also for beloved boy and of course not forgetting my friends who were there for him! 

Seeing everyone enjoying the cookies just make me feel so happy! Thanks all for the smiles after getting the cookies! 

Look at the happy boy with all the cookies for team amu! Thanks team Amu for featuring our lovely cookies! Everyone had an enjoyable night with the screening! 

I love this photo with le boy! Thanks for the love! I hope it will stay this way as always!

Last Saturday was a trio meetup and I managed to spend some time with Grace too! Little help out at her booth at TBM flea and that's how I spend my afternoon! 

Selfie with Grace before I left to Urban Plaza! 

Le DEARIES want to meet baobao badly so we headed over to Urban Plaza for the Gala Premier and I'm so lucky enough to get to bump into le boy! Happiness to the max upon seeing him! And thanks for all the smiles and picture together! Love them all~ 

I really miss this boy! How I wish I could see him as often as I do last time. Things ain't the same now though. I really miss the past but there's no way to turn back time! 

Finally get to see Rachel after quite some time. She got an event to attend so we didn't get to spend much time together but seeing her is great enough and thankful for selfies together! 

I finally had time to go USS for a second time! It was a fun trip this time round cause I managed to try more rides than the previous time I went. 

Started my uss trip with a great weather, and I love this shot a lot! I took it while waiting for my two girls to reach! 

This is the first time the trios meet out not for event but to spend time together! And here we are at USS! Thanks girls for being able to meet up for this trip together! Especially ShiHui who last minute decided to join Cybil and I for the meet up! We all had our season pass and yes, we are gonna revisit for more fun!! 

Selfie with my baby girl before we start our day at uss! 

Not forgetting selfie with my dearie too! 

There's too much photos to share so I shall just let photos do the say! ^^ It's a really enjoyable day at USS! 

My favourite Sesame Street character ELMO!! This time round the picture is much nicer than the previous photo with Elmo! 


Ever cutie Ernie!

Cookie Monster 

We managed to get a group shot with Oscar! Loving it~ 

Group shot with Ernie!

I like Puss in Boots! I was like saying if we will have luck to meet puss in boots and yes... I managed a photo with it! Too happy~ 

It was a rather hot day so we bought cold drinks!! Thanks dearie for the minion bottle. I love it~ although it's a burden to be going round with it. Cause it's quite big but I LOVE IT!!

This nice background is perfect for photos! And we took so many photos here, that leads to 200 over photos taken in total for the whole trip!! 
Baby and I had our ootd shot! Hahahah ~

Friendship is just great together! Thanks dearie~ 

I love this selfie with baby~ Our friendship is so great so far! Thanks for everything~ Remember to stay happy, everything will be great! 

Not forgetting the love from Cybil dearie! Thanks for always being there for me. Although we didn't spend a lot of time together like we did previously, I'm thankful you are still by me! Sharing all the burdens together is just great! Do remember to keep yourself happy even though there's so many burdens around! Everything will be different if you look from another view. Stay strong! 

Message for all who are reading this post! 
Thanks for visiting my blog! Although I don't have real great photos to share or exciting topics, you are still here reading the post! Thanks a lot, I really appreciate each and everyone of you! 
Always remember that being happy can be easy. Don't let all the burdens cover up your smiles. Enjoy every moment and think positively, everything will be different! Smile on! 

Shall end the post here! 
Ciaos love!