Trying to rant abit on my blog, since I did not want to spam it on twitter.
Yesterday morning I had to call up this student cause there's no way we could contact her for weeks, infact it's gonna be a month soon! She supposed to return her room keys to us weeks ago but she didn't responded to our email whether she is going to be graduating or not. All because of her delays of returning the keys, new students who got her room couldn't check in to it as her stuffs were still kept inside and keys ain't back yet. It's a responsibility of each student to return the key if you are not needing to stay anymore. Making people chase over for the keys just make things hard for both parties!
After calling her for so many days, she just refused to answer calls not even to say return call or reply our emails! Tried calling her on her mobile again and it got through but no one picks up! You can actually hear that it is actually someone hung it up! Continuous calling and finally she picked up! Understood from her after she picks the call that she is overseas currently, but our motive is just to get back the keys and not bother why she didn't inform about not being in town! She is damn rude on the phone and I haven't finish my say, she already ignoring me on the phone! I really wonder when she is going to return the keys. So freaking pissed off this morning die to her idiotic attitude. I also don't want to talk to her for long! She can just reply the few questions and that's it! I do believe she's gonna face shits when she's out in society cause she is too shitty! Sorry but I just need to rant! I couldn't tolerate all these shits! I'm not at the fault, so don't you RAISE your voice at me!!!
Lucky after ranting, I'm much better! I really hate being angry! Lucky my incharge is understanding enough. Okays, Back to updates of last week!
Yes, if you have seen from my Instagram or Facebook, he is Alfred Sim. He is one of the top 12 of PSS2014! Do support him when the competition starts! He is really a great singer, you will know how great he is when the competition starts in 18 August!
After the event to support Alfred, I headed to town to meet Shihui and how lucky we are to bump into Rachel! She's always so sweet! We had small chats together and also selfies together! Happiness upon seeing her! I don't usually get to bump into her outside actually!
Planned to wear the same design together with Shihui! (Hers is romper version while mine is a dress!) How could we miss camwhoring together~ We have too many photos together that night so I decided to collage them instead! Anyway, saw the pretty caps in the photos? They are from Trashinc! Affordable and chio at the same time! Do check them out at their Instagram @trashinc for updates of their new stocks and also their whereabouts!
Sunday was a fun day! I met up with Shihui to head down to Alescere before our date to see Kenny! Alescere is always my favourite hangout when in town. I love her getting my ootd selected there! This was what I wore out from home! A romper also from Alescere but I would love something different cause I'm always in romper, so I changed to another outfit and head to event!
Look! My ootd changed! I really love this set so much that I decided to just wear this instead! Always a selfie with le boss (provided she is free) before leaving the shop! Thanks dear!
Headed to Anderson JC for their youth time to catch Kexin and Kenny's performance. (Welcome to Anderson Junior College!)
Kenny is really a great talent. I love so many of his songs from his album that's why I decided to head down and hear him live! He is really a hyper dude, a friendly one too! Grateful for a photo together with him! I first knew him is when he is filming That Girl in Pinafore! I never forget the scene where he did his makeup infront of me, but at that time he didn't even know who I am! Thanksfully, he get to have his own album released and I get to meet him again! I really enjoy Music more than shows! I am still in the midst of learning all his songs, prolly gonna sing it when I'm all ready!
I do hope I am able to get his Music showcase tickets, I want to hear him sing live again!! He has too little public events already! I wish there was more!
Okay... I am not there only for Kenny but also for Kexin! I haven't seen her for real long! I finally remember the last time I saw her was at the botanical garden! OMG, it seems so long ago! It's nice to hear her sing my favourite song from her album! I love that song a lot! Thanks to this girl for always being so sweet to me! I love my photos with her! 💖
Before leaving the school, let me have an ootd shot done! Cap: Trashinc. Pineapple crop top, skinny jeans and my heels are all from Alescere!
Happiness don't ends there! My pouch for my tr35 is here! I love the design so much! Although I'm not a pink person, I prefer this over the mint one! Gonna start using this chio pouch already! Protection for my camera cause I'm really a very very 粗鲁加粗心 person.
Sharing some pictures to end the post. It's long weekends, Happiness overloads~